Monday, September 10, 2007

Needing green for black tie!

Our new friend Mandy Schmitt, one of three Eco-Divas co-hosting the Georgia Conservancy's Eco-benefete on October 6, has sent out this fashion SOS which we are posting here in case any of you out there can help.

Calling All Atlanta Green Fashionistas!
I need your help! I am co-hosting the Georgia Conservancy’s annual black tie fundraiser, Eco Benefite, with my fellow Eco-Divas and I must find the perfect eco-friendly ensemble in the next month!

My criteria:
• I want the WHOLE outfit to be Environmentally Sound. Some combination of fair trade, organic, bamboo fabric, recycled materials, local. Dress, bag, jewelry, shoes, and make up!

• Attractive: Fashion not sacrificed for being environmentally sound.

• Black, so I can match my partners in crime.

• Must go with my green boa

• Not stupidly expensive. Ideally, I’d like the dress to be $300 or less.

The good news is that I have found several boutiques that feature eco-fashion. But none are in Atlanta. It’s killing me that I am going to be FLYING in these pieces! But I have decided it’s worth the trade off for this part of the journey.

I would love your help! Please let me know if you see a piece, find a website or shop that has something. I’d love to find something here in ATL.

I am going to track my journey on Please help!


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