Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day Today!

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

THE WAYS WE LIVE GREEN: Today is Blog Action Day and more than 15,000 blogs around the globe are posting on the issue of the environment. Since Atlanta INtown's staff is made up of writers, we wanted share a few tips of what we're doing to live eco-friendly.

* As a newspaper, we obviously recycle old copies. We also print on recycled paper and use soy-based ink.

* We go through a lot of paper printing up page proofs. We use the proofs to print up second ones, use it as scratch paper or simply put it in the recycle bins we have scattered around the office.

* Our computers are on an energy cycle that automatically switches into sleep mode if they sit idle for more than half an hour. It may only save pennies, but those pennies add up.

* We unplug appliances we don't use regularly. Did you know that your cell phone charger and other household items are drawing power even when they aren't in use?

* We receive novels and non-fiction books from publishers on a regular basis looking for reviews or write-ups. About once a year, we cull our bookcases and donate those books to a charity or to the local library.

* Rather than using paper cups at the water fountain, we went to IKEA and invested $10 in cups for the staff and our guests to use. We also purchased recycling bins to put soft drink cans and paper products we want to recycle.

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