Thursday, December 27, 2007

Green Resolutions for the New Year

1. Plant trees. Do it in your back yard and in your community. Contact Trees Atlanta to see how you can get involved. 

2. Stop using plastic bags from the grocery store. Most supermarkets now offer re-usable, inexpensive tote bags for your groceries. Kroger even has bags that keep your goods hot and cold.

3. Get out of your car. Buy a a bike or an electric scooter, take MARTA, walk or form a carpool. Visit the Clean Air Campaign for details. 

4. Get rid of that old fridge, dishwasher or television and buy an Energy Star appliance instead. You will drastically cut down your carbon emissions by doing so. Don't forget to change out your light bulbs, too.

5. Unplug your cell phone charger and other appliances you don't use regularly. Even while not in use, chargers and appliances drain energy.

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