Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Saving trees at Lenox Square

Message from neighborhood activist Sally Silver

As you might already know, Simon Properties (owners of Lenox & Phipps) applied to have the mature oak trees along Peachtree Road removed. The reason given was that the trees blocked the visibility of the electronic sign at the entrance to Lenox Mall. The City arborist denied the request. Simon has now appealed the arborist's ruling and the appeal is to be heard tonight -- Wednesday, Feb. 20.

The basis given in the appeal is economic hardship, as they feel the visibility issue causes them lost revenue, and at the same time Simon is the largest contributor to the Buckhead CID tax district. The appeal goes on to state that the Peachtree corridor project can not go forward without the trees being removed. They do not want to delay the project.

The facts:

The trees are mature and were there previous to the placement of the sign. The Mall is visible without the sign. Simon has not even bothered to come to the table to discuss easement/right of way issues with the BCID (one, if not the only last holdouts), due to funding issues, the earliest contemplated start date of the second phase of the project is Feb. 2009. Trees would not be replaced until late 2009 or early 2010 (this of course depends on Simon first discussing easement issues, secondly reaching an agreement with BCID). It also is very dependent on future funding of the project. Currently there are no funds available.

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