Monday, January 5, 2009

Five Green Resolutions for 2009

1. Plant some trees -- in the backyard or in the community.

2. Stop using plastic bags from the grocery store. Most supermarkets now offer canvas or insulated reusable bags for about a $1.

3. Gas prices may have come down, but conserve gas and don't drive as much. Combine errands or buy a bike or scooter. MARTA is also a viable option and ridership has gone up significantly during the recession.

4. Invest in Energy Star appliances to help cut down on electrical costs. 

5. Replace light bulbs with new CFL (compact flourescent light bulbs) to help save electricity and the environment. CFL's are now available in supermarkets, so there's no excuse. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great list. Here is the first of a series of blogs on Hoots Group resolutions:

New Year’s Resolutions - Green Resolution #1
Thursday, January 1st, 2009

Happy New Year! I have been having fun bringing in the New Year with my family. The boys are excited about the New Year because I have the day off in the middle of the week, but are not old enough to know what a year is yet. I take that back, the oldest understands birthday cakes and the he is 3 years old. That mean he has had 3 cakes. He does not understand fiscal years and dates.

Before last year, my family did a little recycling etc., but last year my New Year’s resolution was to do even more and encourage other to do the same. I have quite a few posts about recycling and how easy it is to do. Between the business and my household we have diverted tons of trash from the landfill. It was very easy to do. All of the waste that is taking to the trashcan did not have to go into the trashcan. If some of it was separated before the trashcan then is could be put into the recycling bin instead. This did not take any more energy just a decision change. We also had fun with composting. Daniel put our organic waste into the bin and tells me that he is “feeding the worms.” At the base of the bin he sees the worms and the “polies.” (His term for Roly Poly’s.)

This year, I will continue to recycle and encourage others to add a couple of other RE’s to the mix. Recycling is great, but how about reducing first. Why recycle something that should not have been wasted in the first place. The amount energy saved by recycling is great. The amount of energy not wasted by reducing can be even greater.

Green resolution #1 Reduce, then recycle