Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Earth Day Belt-Line Bike Tour, April 26

Experience Atlanta's BeltLine neighborhoods from the seat of a bicycle on April 26! Now in its second year, this ride will grow with the BeltLine, until one day it spans the full BeltLine loop. Kid's entry is $5, adults 18 and over pay $10, and families are just $20. The ride will start and Gordon White Park and use the new West End Trail, whose first phase is now complete.

Last year's BeltLine Bike Tour attracted a diverse group of 200 bicyclists. This year promises clearer routes and options better suited to a range of riders, from whole families with young children to recreational cyclists to dedicated bike explorers.

Come enjoy Whole Foods-sponsored rest stops and local nonprofits Trees Atlanta and Piedmont Conservancy. Learn about the BeltLine project, a 22 mile loop of transit, trails, and economic development encircling intown Atlanta, through BeltLine Partnership's maps and displays. BeltLine Partnership is also providing reusable drawstring bags, giveaways and coupons.

For more information and registration, visit www.atlantabike.org

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