Jamestown Properties' 999 Peachtree, a 28-story building located at the intersection of Peachtree and 10th Street, is providing Atlanta businesses with a shining example of what it means to be "green."
The building was awarded the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency's Energy Star, recognizing it as one of the top 25% of facilities in the nation for energy efficiency. Most buildings gifted with the Energy Star use an average of 40% less energy and release 35% less carbon dioxide than "typical" buildings.
With LEED certification as its ultimate goal, 999 Peachtree has taken on multiple energy-efficient initiatives, including installing energy-efficient lighting, saving 476,203 kilowatt hours, upgrading teh energy management system that controls the HVAC, allowing for tighter air temperature control. 999 Peachtree estimates that it has saved a total of $56,000 in energy costs.
In addition, 999 Peachtree has recycled more than 40 tons of paper, saving 686 hardwood trees and 4,360 cubic feet of landfill space and supplies its offices with sustainable materials.
Many of the companies headquartered at 999 Peachtree are green themselves, including Green Street Properties, responsible for the development of Glenwood Park, ERS Global, and Flad Architects.
999 Peachtree encourages the use of public transportation and carpooling, and employs Zipcar. Additionally, the building has a Bike Share Program that allows employees to "rent" communal bikes for lunch breaks or local errands.
For information on leasing office space in 999 Peachtree, call (404) 407-2354 or for retail space call (770) 955-2434. Visit 999 Peachtree Online at www.999PeachtreeStreet.com.
The building was awarded the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency's Energy Star, recognizing it as one of the top 25% of facilities in the nation for energy efficiency.
In addition, 999 Peachtree has recycled more than 40 tons of paper, saving 686 hardwood trees and 4,360 cubic feet of landfill space and supplies its offices with sustainable materials.
www. caravans
We must try and go green as much as possible.This is a very good update and a good food for thought.
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