Monday, April 30, 2007

Clean Air Campaign's Spring Tips

Here are some suggested ways to add some "green" to your spring.

Combine errands: Take that handful of small trips and create a one-trip adventure.

Change your light bulbs: Here is a bright idea: Replace regular light bulbs with energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs.

Keep your car in shape: Get regular tune-ups, keep the tires properly inflated and change the air filter for better gas mileage.

Buy cleaner and greener: Energy StarÆ appliances use less energy and save money. Learn more about these and other air-friendly products at

Play in the dirt: Add a twist to your exercise regimen and ditch the gas-powered mower for a push model or replace the leaf blower with a rake.

Take an air-friendly outing: Eliminate the hassle of traffic and parking for periodic trips to concerts and sporting events; transit can be fast and inexpensive.

Don’t idle: Walk inside the restaurant instead of using the drive-thru or turn off your car while you wait to pick up the kids at school.

Take a bike ride or walk: Replace short car trips with another great way to invigorate your exercise routine and keep pollutants out of the air.

Let someone else do the driving: Carpool or vanpool and save money and wear and tear on your car. Call 1-87-RIDEFIND to find a carpool partner or a vanpool in your area. Share the ride.

Skip the drive entirely: Teleworking one or two days can save an average of 72 hours each year and not to mention hundreds of dollars. Chances are you’ll be more productive too.

Courtesy of Clean Air Campaign,

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