Top 10 Green Printing Tips
Post next to your print station and start greening today!
1. To Print or Not To Print? Do you actually need to print
that document? Could you use an electronic copy instead?
2. Share. Does everyone in the room need a copy? For
presentations, decide if sharing is an option.
3. Double Up. Reduce number of pages printed by printing on
both sides and/ or printing multiple pages on each side.
4. No Brainer. Use100% post-consumer recycled paper,
processed without the use of chlorine.
5. Draft First. Look on the printer and see if you can print on
“draft” or “fast” mode, which uses less ink. Use this mode for
all jobs that do not need to be “Final.”
6. Keep It Black & White. If you are printing draft versions of
a color document, consider printing only in black and white to
save color ink.
7. Reduce. Consider using software such as GreenPrint to
minimize the paper used by each print job.
8. Reuse. Try to buy remanufactured ink & toner cartridges.
9. Recycle. Always recycle your ink & toner cartridges.
10. Give Your Printer a Good Night’s Sleep. Power down
machines at the end of each day, as they continue to suck
energy even while in ‘standby’ mode.
For more tips visit, www.TheGreenOffice.com
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